
Earth Month Events in NYC โ€“ Updated!

Plus, 12 ideas for easy, sustainable practices for your family to follow as Earth Day approaches

By Macaroni KID / Meredith Kurnov April 4, 2024

Coming up on April 22, Earth Day is a day all about protecting our environment by thinking globally while acting locally. Celebrate Earth Day by attending one of these local Earth Day celebrations below! 

Plus, find 12 ideas for how your family can celebrate Earth Day April 22nd ... and every day. 

 ๐ŸŒŽ Local Earth Day Events and Climate Action Opportunities ๐ŸŒŽ

Also: 5 Ways To Take Climate Action With Kids In NYC

Note: We’ll be updating this list as more events come in, so please check back.

 Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Celebrate Earth Day EVERY day by doing just a few things that are easy for you and your family, but will have a big impact when we all follow these good Earth-friendly practices:

At home:

  • Buy dry goods in bulk, since they typically use less packaging.
  • Sign up for a CSA to cut down on the carbon footprint of your grocery bill.

Viktoriia Oleinichenko via Canva

  • Work on ways to reduce food waste, including meal planning, storing items properly, finding new ways to use leftovers, and preserving food you can’t use fast enough by freezing, canning, or dehydrating. The average family throws out $1,500 in wasted food per year, according to the EPA. In fact, food waste makes up over 24 percent of landfill waste in the United States. Here's how to create a monthly meal plan that works.
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room and shut off the water when you’re not using it.

RgStudio via Canva

  • Review which recyclables your local facility accepts, as they may add to their list periodically.
  • Commit to using less plastic. As a family, swear off those plastic bottles of water. Always choose a cone when out for ice cream (no more plastic dishes!). Make it a habit to bring reusable shopping bags wherever you go.
  • Start composting.
  • Reuse when possible. Have an old T-shirt? Turn it into a tote instead of throwing it away. Recycle jars or milk containers into bird feeders. Use egg cartons as a seed starter. Reuse glass and plastic jars to hold things like craft supplies. Reach out in a local Facebook group or a site like NextDoor to see if someone will let you borrow a tool or item you only need to use once. 
  • Try an Earth-friendly craft:

Stocknroll via Canva


  • Take a hike and enjoy being in nature. Bring a pair of gloves and a bag so you can pick up any trash you find along the way.
  • Learn about invasive species in your area and what you can do to help.
  • Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen, and also help save energy, clean the air, and help fight climate change. All that and they're lovely to sit under on a hot day! Plant a tree as a family and watch it grow over the years.
  • Clean up: Whether it's an organized community event or just your family, head to a local park, nature area, or shoreline to pick up trash. Don't forget to bring work gloves!

FatCamera via Canva

At school:

  • Find out what your school currently recycles and if there is anything else you can add.
  • Talk with your school about alternative recycling programs that accept snack bar wrappers, juice pouches, and even offer fundraising options.

SergeyNivens via Canva

Need more ideas? Check out these websites:

Past events:


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