
The Baby Connection, Week 7: Singing to Your Baby

A weekly column from Vered, the "Brooklyn Baby Whisperer"

By Vered Benhorin, creator of "Baby In Tune" and contributing writer for Macaroni Kid Brooklyn NW April 20, 2022

Is Playing Music As Good as Singing to Your Baby? 

Dear Tunester, 

I often get the question of whether singing to your baby is more beneficial than playing music on speakers. It’s time to look into this quandary.

Here’s what you tell me –  you’re on a long drive on the highway, your baby starts to fuss, the fussing escalates to crying. Your baby doesn’t want a bottle, you can’t pull over to feed, your baby throws away paci and toys. You put on music and your baby is instantly soothed. Eventually they fall asleep. 

(In your stories, it’s always my music but it’s magical soothing powers have yet to be scientifically proven.)

There is no doubt that music has the power to soothe our babies, and US! 

But I wonder – Before you put on the music, did you try to sing to your baby? Would that have worked as well? Or better?

Or when you put your baby to sleep, does it work as well to play a lullaby as it does to sing it?

The question for today:

Is live singing more effective than playing recorded music?


Let’s break it down. Here’s what we know.

Music has lots of benefits for your baby:

Physical Benefits:
The most comprehensive studies have been done with babies in the NICU. Recordings of parents singing, live music played by a music therapist, and recorded music have all been shown to have great benefits for babies in the NICU.

Soothing Powers:
We also know that when these babies heard a recording of music, they remained calm for twice the amount of time than when they heard a recording of speech.

Bonding Boost:
This study found that musical interactions between parents and babies held more positive emotion and more synchronization than simply play interactions. The interactions with music encouraged more connection and were more meaningful.

SINGING a lullaby has huge benefits
This one is not a comparison with recorded music, but does show that babies whose parents consistently sing a lullaby had significantly decreased crying.

So it’s clear: music does a whole lot for your baby’s emotional state and your connection. 

Now let’s go a step further to see if we can figure out whether live SINGING is the winner over RECORDED music. These two studies can help.

Babies prefer unaccompanied singing to accompanied
This isn’t quite the answer to our question, but the idea here is that babies prefer to hear you sing acapella, without accompanied by instruments. That means they prefer your voice alone to your voice with other sounds. Probably because it is more intimate. This is significant to our question because often recorded music has lots of instruments.

Babies prefer live singing over recorded
This study is the only one that actually tested for what we are asking. They did show a SLIGHT difference in live singing vs recorded music and found that the live singing resulted in deeper sleep for pre-term infants.

Why might this be? This study has an answer to that question

You sing differently to your baby than in the shower
This study (1997) shows that when parents sing directly to their babies, their singing is slower, more energetic, has more pitch variability and exaggerated rhythm. Why do we do this? Because we want to attract our baby’s attention and communicate different emotional messages.

That means that when we sing we alter our voice to fit our baby’s mood, physical state, and age. We change subtle things in our voice and rhythm to match our baby in that particular moment. 

Does recorded music do that? NOPE.


So who is our winner?

I think you knew the answer all along. LIVE SINGING.

But not by a ton. Which means that if you don’t want to sing, that’s ok. However you should definitely be playing music for soothing and play with your baby.

So what should you do? Three things:

  1. Come to our class, we’ll help you get over any insecurities you have related to your voice, we’ll get you singing in a group and feeling great about it.
  2. Sing to your baby. Today. Anything. Your baby doesn’t care. She just wants to hear YOU sing.
  3. Put on some tunes today. Ella Fitzgerald, Ariana Grande, Bach, Bruno Mars, whoever.

Do you have a friend who’s been wondering if she should sing or play music to her baby? Send her this article and tell her to sign up for more!

The Baby Connection archive
Developing GritBaby BuddhaMusic Activities • Playing With BallsLet Them Make Mistakes

To find out more about Vered and Baby in Tune, visit,
find her music on Spotify at Vered, or follow her on Instagram @Babyintune.


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