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Join Beam Camp in Brooklyn to get a taste of Beam Camp in New Hampshire! During our Try it Day events, we step into role as Beam Campers and have the opportunity to meet camp staff, learn about daily life at camp, and learn new skills! This time around, we will be learning about mosaic making and biodegradable confetti!
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Welcome, coffee, refreshments, warm-up
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Beam Camp Info!
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Mosaic Making
Arrange colorful tiles to create beautiful ceramic scenery inside your choice of frame. Participants will be able to arrange, glue, and grout their own pieces to be brought home and displayed!
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Paper Confetti Poppers
Participants will learn how to make their own paper using blended paper pulp, water, and screens and cut it into biodegradable confetti! The confetti can be used with handmade confetti poppers also made by participants.