
🌎 Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Earth Day Event at Naval Cemetery Landscape in Williamsburg

Saturday April 20, 2024 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Naval Cemetery Landscape63 Williamsburg Street WWilliamsburg NY 11249718-522-0193
Google Map


Keeping the Greenway clean and green for tens of thousands of people who cycle, run, walk, stroll, skate, scoot (and other modes!) isn’t easy! But with your help, together we can keep the Greenway litter-free and enjoyable for all!

Learn about the Naval Cemetery Landscape (NCL) and the Greenway and what goes into maintaining their beauty and accessibility for everyone! The Naval Cemetery landscape is fully operated and made open as a public space by BGI through the generosity of our supporters.

BGI will guide volunteers in the identification and targeted removal of invasive species in the Naval Cemetery Landscape and street tree stewardship, including weeding and aerating tree pits and removing trash from the tree pits and the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway.

Registration is required.




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