
🎥 FREE Outdoor Films: "Bend It Like Beck­ham" at Governors Island

Friday August 11, 2023 7:30 pm
Governors Island - Parade Grounds15 Evans Rd.Manhattan NY 10004
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Among the many not-to-miss summer experiences in NYC is a free outdoor movie in the park. If your kids are old enough to start a movie after sundown, make it a family affair (or date night)! Invite your friends, pack a picnic, and arrive early to catch the sunset! 

Not sure if a movie is appropriate for your kiddo? Pro tip: check Common Sense Media for age recommendations.


British Indi­an direc­tor Gurinder Chadha’s third fea­ture tells the sto­ry of teenag­er Jess Bham­ra (Par­min­der Nagra in a win­ning break­out per­for­mance), an avid soc­cer fan, dreams of liv­ing up to the exam­ple of her idol, star play­er David Beck­ham, against the wish­es of her cul­tur­al­ly con­ser­v­a­tive Pun­jabi elders. When new friend Jules (Keira Knight­ley) per­suades her to join the local women’s team with­out her par­ents’ knowl­edge, Jess quick­ly wins the accep­tance and respect of her team­mates and their coach (Jonathan Rhys Mey­ers) but must strug­gle to rec­on­cile her pas­sion for the game with her family’s expec­ta­tions. 


Free out­door films on the Parade Ground return to Gov­er­nors Island for Sum­mer 2023! “Rule Break­ers and Trou­ble­mak­ers” will fea­ture screen­ings of F. Gary Gray’s Set It Off, Steven Soder­bergh’s Out of Sight, and Gurinder Chad­ha’s Bend It Like Beck­ham. 

Screen­ings are free and open to the pub­lic with pre-show enter­tain­ment kick­ing off at 7 pm and films begin­ning at 8:30 pm. Food and drinks will be avail­able for pur­chase, with ven­dors to be announced.




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