
🔨 Free open hours at play:groundNYC's The Yard on Governor's Island (ages 1-12)

Saturday July 29, 2023 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
play:groundNYC's The Yard on Governors Island40 Barry RdGovernor's Island NY 10004
Google Map


The Yard is a kids-only space stew­ard­ed by trained play­work­ers. The main play area is rec­om­mend­ed for young peo­ple ages 6 to 12 and the fam­i­ly play area wel­comes chil­dren under 5. The Yard sup­plies young peo­ple with loose parts mate­ri­als for build­ing, explor­ing, imag­in­ing and destroy­ing. In addi­tion to free week­ends, The Yard also offers sum­mer camp, school field trips, birth­day par­ties and spe­cial pro­grams, all with adher­ence to CDC guidelines.

Rules and more information:

  • The Yard is open from 12 – 4PM Sat­ur­days and Sun­days through the end of November
  • No more than 45 chil­dren at a time will be allowed in The Yard

Waivers: Each child will need a sep­a­rate waiv­er to par­tic­i­pate in either adven­ture play or fam­i­ly play area. play:groundNYC rec­om­mend par­ents fill out the waiv­er online pri­or to visiting.

Waivers are also avail­able at the entrance of play:groundNYC where staff or vol­un­teers will be able to answer questions.

Shoes: Closed-toe shoes are required. play:groundNYC has a lim­it­ed selec­tion of loan­er shoes on site.

play:groundNYC is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to trans­form­ing the city through play. Their play­work­ers sup­port children’s play at our adven­ture play­ground — The Yard — and through part­ner­ships with com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions in diverse neigh­bor­hoods across New York City.



You can find the Governors Island ferry schedules hereFrom the Brooklyn Ferry, turn right along the water. Take the second left turn and you will see The Yard on your right. From the Manhattan Ferry walk up, turn left at the T junction. Once you pass the entrance to the Fort, turn right onto a path between houses and trees (Colonel’s Row). Walk straight until you reach The Yard.

You can find the NYC ferry schedules here; Governors Island is served via the South Brooklyn route. When you exit the ferry landing, turn right along the water. Take the second left turn and you will see The Yard on your right. 


SUGGESTED DONATION: We want all kids to be able to play! Your donations are critical to providing adventure play for free for children across the city. Donate to help keep The Yard open and accessible. We appreciate whatever you can provide. Thank you!

Kindness and patience are requested! See you soon.




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