
The Gingerbread City tackles climate change at The Seaport thru Jan 7

Discover a whole city constructed entirely from gingerbread, candy, and frosting!

November 20, 2023

There’s a sweet-smelling gingerbread metropolis to be discovered in New York City this holiday season as the Museum of Architecture stages the US debut of its hugely popular exhibition, The Gingerbread City, at the Seaport in Lower Manhattan. 

Open through January 7th, visitors can explore delicious gingerbread buildings up close and marvel at moving trains and innovative designs brought to life by over 50 leading NYC architects and designers. It’s a sweet feast for the eyes, all made from gingerbread, frosting and candy and tells the story of how architects and designers can help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems like climate change.

The Gingerbread City contains everything you might expect to see in a real-life city, including residential houses, train stations, bridges, airports, museums and parks. Inspired by the theme Water in Cities, and comprising five distinct zones: Desert Landscape, Urban Floodplain, Canal City, Frozen Landscape and Underwater + Floating City, the participants have been asked to think about how we can design and build water-sensitive cities and protect this vital resource.

Highlights include:

  • Meier Partners’ Cloudtopia Stadium, built on the Urban Floodplain and formed out of a cloud
  • MG2’s Sugar Lake Opera - a grand hall and cultural hub looking out over a sugar lake created by stormwater run-off from the building’s roofs
  • Marvel’s Marsh-Meadow Bridge is a place to appreciate the marshy landscape in the City’s Canal Zone
  • Rockwell Group’s Lemonade Lighthouse is a shining beacon and place of refuge in the Underwater + Floating City 
  • T.K.R. have created the Des(s)ert Mender dam - bringing life-giving water to the arid terrain in the Desert Landscape
  • David Ling Architect with Soo Yoon Chung designed InFlux, a floating house project that emphasizes supplying clean water in a site vulnerable to flooding in the Frozen Landscape

Organized by the Museum of Architecture, a UK-based charity dedicated to connecting the public with architecture and design in fun and exciting ways, the exhibition aims to inspire conversations about cities and how we live in them.

The Gingerbread City® was created by trained architect and Museum of Architecture founder Melissa Woolford. Speaking about the US opening, Melissa said: 

“We cannot wait to welcome people into The Gingerbread City and show them what some of New York’s leading architects and designers have created for this first-ever showing of the exhibition outside of the UK. And, what better place than the Seaport to be thinking about the future of New York and its relationship with water with our Water in Cities theme.”

Perfect for families, guests can pair their exhibit visit with a Gingerbread Workshop Experience. Running daily, visitors can also sign-up to create and take home their own gingerbread masterpiece with gingerbread made by Balthazar.

Purchase tickets here.


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