
Love It or Hate It, Daylight Saving Time Arrives March 9

Plus ... we've got sleep tips and jokes

By Laura Miller, publisher of Macaroni KID Appleton-Waupaca-Oshkosh, Wisc. February 27, 2025

Confessions of a night owl: spring ahead is HARD! Not only do I "forget" to go to bed earlier, but my kids' sleep schedules are unpredictable for at least a week, and I often don’t know what time it is because I usually forget to change the clock in my car. It never fails, that is the one clock I overlook... for days...  and sometimes longer!

Why do we have daylight saving time ... and should it continue?

If you have a kid with a lot of questions, like I do, you might face this question: Why do we set our clocks ahead an hour in March?

If, like me, you didn't know the origin of daylight saving, I'll save you some searching: The first time Daylight Saving Time happened was during World War I to save electricity in the evening because it gave us an extra hour of daylight after work in the summer months. 

But why has it continued? Well, that's up for debate. The practice saves energy, prevents traffic accidents, and reduces crime, according to the Department of Transportation, which, believe it or not, is in charge of Daylight Saving Time. (A 2020 study proved at least one of those statements wrong, showing fatal crashes went up 6% in the United States during the time after Daylight Saving Time occurred.)

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine also says the practice should be abolished and has lobbied for the U.S. to eliminate daylight saving time in favor of a year-round standard time. 

While I don't want to come down one way or another on this subject, I would say ending daylight saving time would really help parents like me with bedtime in the summer. It would end the wails of "But it’s not even dark yet, Mom!”

Check out these tips from sleep specialists to help your kids cope with the time change

The cliff's notes:
  • Discuss the time change as a family as you prepare for sleep timing adjustments.
  • Try gradually changing the sleep schedule in little 15 minute increments day by day. It certainly doesn't have to be all at once.
  • Get blackout curtains to help with the transition at bedtime when the sun is still up. 
  • For nappers, feel free to sneak in another power nap to get them through the day.
  • Plan to find your inner patience as the sleep disruption can of course lead to more tantrums!
  • Good luck, parents!!

Get out the jokes

While you and your family are enjoying some extra daylight in the evening, you can share a few of these jokes to pass the time:
What does a clock do when it's hungry?
It goes back four seconds!

Why did the girl throw the clock out the window?
Because she wanted to see time fly.
Why didn’t the clock work?
It needed a hand.

When does a clock strike thirteen?
When it's broken!

What time does a duck wake up?
At the quack of dawn.

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Check your smoke detectors!

On a more serious note (that means we're going to play adults here for a minute), the time change — both in the fall and the spring — is a great natural reminder to do important chores around your house. Kyrie Collins, the publisher of Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree, Colo. recommends using the time change as a reminder to:

  1. Change the batteries in your smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.
  2. Review and practice fire escape and family disaster plans.
  3. Inspect tires, headlights, taillights, and brake lights on all your vehicles.
  4. Inspect tires, brakes, and reflectors on bicycles and scooters.
  5. Turn and flip your mattresses.
  6. Check your medicines, vitamins, and first aid kits, replacing expired items and restocking items that have been used.
  7. Schedule needed doctor and/or dentist appointments.
Laura Miller is the publisher of Macaroni KID Appleton-Waupaca-Oshkosh, Wisc.


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